• kukacos
    Ez a standoff, szelíd változatos eset arra, ha kicsi a célpont. És még ez is sokkal hatékonyabb, mint bármi más, amit itt lejjebb vízfejek javasoltak.

    Na és megnézted a videót is lejjebb, meg elolvastad a szöveget hozzá, ahol szuperszámítógépes modellekkel bizonyítják, hogy felszíni robbantásnál egy kavics nem maradna? Angyali türelmem van, belinkelem harmadjára is:


    A surface explosion, known as a contact burst, wouldn’t actually take place right at the surface. Based on what we know about asteroid composition--and there’s still much to be learned--many asteroids are more like huge orbiting piles of smaller rocks than cohesive, solid chunks of hard material. There appears to be a soft dust layer, known as the regolith, that covers asteroids like Itokawa, a layer that could be as much as 30 feet deep. A nuclear energy source rammed into an asteroid could penetrate down into this layer with little trouble, giving it some of the kinetic advantages of being buried within the asteroid. And once the energy source is in direct contact with the asteroid, it’s all pretty much over with.

    “The big plume that you see coming out of the top of the asteroid in the simulation is the effect of all that heated rock in the vicinity of the explosion being expelled from the asteroid at high velocities,” Weaver says. “There’s rock-to-rock kinetic energy transfer that happens. These rock-to-rock interactions propagate the energy from the surface all the way through to the opposite end of the asteroid, totally disrupting these rubble piles.”
    In other words, the blast is transferred all the way through the asteroid, scattering the once cohesive rubble in every direction. The asteroid threat is no more.

    Most már tényleg nem tudom, mit csináljak még, hogy átjusson a kognitív gáton, hogy nagy marhát csináltok magatokból. Eltáncoljam, vagy varrjak belőle szívecskés falvédőt?