    Csak éppen nem tudjuk az alapadatokat, szal itt nem igazán lehet statisztikázni.

    Pl: Geographos is an irregular body with dimensions of about 5.1 kilometers by 1.8 kilometers (3.2 miles by 1.2 miles). Geographos is classified as an Earth-crossing asteroid because its orbit can evolve to intersect Earth's orbit. Scientists have found fewer than 300 Earth-crossing asteroids; however, they believe hundreds of thousands of objects might exist. The asteroids probably include several hundred objects larger than Geographos, thousands larger than half a mile across, and a few hundred thousand that are larger than a football field.

    Szal csak tördékét ismerjük azoknak a testeknek, amelyek becsapódásukkal már jelenttős pusztítást okozhat!