• VolJin
    Ennyit a vörös törpék "lakhatósági zónájáról...
  • NEXUS6
    Még talán esetleg egy vörös törpe lakhatósági zónájában keringő gázóriás körül keringő hold jöhet szóba.
    Feltéve, ha a gázóriás mágneses mezeje (van-Allen öv) alatt kering, mert különben az még inkább felerősíti, összegyűjti a töltött részecskékket.

  • mirw
    6.3 Ominous Signs at Nearby Stars
    In late 2019 a professor at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (who wishes
    to remain anonymous) was challenging the entire paradigm of catastrophism. We had
    pretty-much managed to get up to here, through the ‘other planets’ evidence, with him
    not being able to crush this narrowly-focused version of catastrophism.
    When Pluto was announced to have undergone such a change, it surprised and
    invigorated him, and he was the first to ask me, “Why have we not identified the other
    nearby stars reacting to the galactic sheet? In particular, should we not be looking to the
    closest stars in line with the center of the galaxy?” He had a great point, but was it even
    possible? Had they gone off in merely the last few decades of good astronomical science,
    or did we miss them? Would they react at all? Just like our impetus to search the other
    planets for signs of change, we must do so with the nearby stars.
    The main challenge is that none of our neighboring stars are like the sun, as most are
    dwarf stars, or in the case of Alpha Centauri A and B, they are locked in a close binary
    and doubled magnetic protective system. It was difficult for astronomers to observe slight
    changes in light towards the center of the galaxy until the maturation of modern radio
    telescope data and optical/IR/UV satellites. The window is small.
    Despite the challenges, the red dwarf stars nearby are providing the terrifying evidence.
    Barnard’s star is 6 light years away towards the general center of the galaxy, and until
    ~20 years ago was believed to be a non-flaring star. It is old and had no previous
    instances of flaring, but it not only roared to life with a powerful outburst, but it did so with
    the energy seen commonly in much younger stars. It has remained active, defying
    previous decades of observation.
    About a decade later it was Proxima Centauri, the closest star at just 4 light years away
    and also in the general direction of the galactic center. It has long been known to be a
    flare star, with detailed analysis of its flaring activity extending back decades. The largest
    and most powerful flare on record came in 2012, at about 10 times stronger than any
    other; this was the first official “super-flare” witnessed from Proxima. Even with modern
    astronomical technology, there is no way to tell if these were super-flare or a micronova
    events on the Proxima and Barnard stars, but we just know they both had unprecedented
    outburst activity and did so in order from the galactic center, with the sun following next
    in line. But, the sun doesn’t stand next in line all by itself.
    Similar activity was noted in 2020 at AD Leonis, which is north of our sun in the galaxy and
    about the same distance from the center, meaning it is not much ahead or behind in
    terms of the galactic current sheet impact timeline. AD Leo is smaller and weaker- in this
    instance think of it like a toddler standing next you amidst an increasingly strong wind.
    You may last longer than the toddler next to you, but those in front of you are falling in
    line right at you, and they are starting to fall by your side as well.
    These three stars (Barnard’s Star, Proxima, and AD Leo) are even less open to conclusive
    statements than the other planets, but the point was answering a legitimate charge from
    a respected professor who was asking if we see the stars behaving differently in a line
    towards us. We do indeed. A weaker star in line with us has fallen already as well, and the
    sheet progresses onward. Given the size and strength of both Alpha Centauri A and B,
    and their shared magnetic protection, I do not expect an outburst from them at all.
    So, we have evidence of a cycle of varying magnitudes of disaster, including a magnetic
    shift of the Earth, great floods, rapid freezing of some areas, and isotopes that demand a
    nova-level answer. The next shift is here, evidenced by Earth’s changing magnetism, by
    the changes on the other planets and stars and by their match-up with the timelinewe’re
    due. The solar micronova happens to be the only way to explain all the evidence,
    including the impactors. Stars can and do micronova, recurrently, and do not need
    anything but a change in space environment or output power to do so.
    The trigger for a cyclical event on the sun can occur in at least two ways by crossing the
    galactic current sheet (accretion and electrical disruption of outflow), it would be on a
    fairly regular cycle, and the sheet does indeed exist at the galactic level as it does at the
    solar level.
    Looking at the situation in reverse: this galactic cycle should clearly be imprinted in
    geological evidence in some form, and there is not another direction of evidence in the
    field that could qualify, let alone have the wide and encompassing congruence
    presented by the current theory. The sun is next.
    So... now what?

    Részlet a The Next End Of The World - Ben Davidson könyvéből.
    Akit érdekelnek a részletek.
  • VolJin
    A Jupiter mágneses mezején belül akkora a sugárzás, mint a csernobili szarkofágban. Gázóriás holdján a fagyott óceán alatt lehet élet. A felszínén nem...
  • NEXUS6
    A jupiter belső holdjaira (Io-n belüliekre) ez talán nem érvényes. Mondjuk azok csak pár száz km-es szikladarabok.
  • end3
    Ez mennyire konteo vagy Sci-Fi. - Mennyire lehet tényszerű???
  • Gabbbbbbbbbbbb
    A "bombázás" és "pusztítás" elég szenzációhajhász szavak, hiszen csak egyetlen erős napkitörésről van szó, de nem konteo, miért lenne konteo?
  • VolJin
    A Napnak három rétege, zónája van.
    A mag, egy sugárzási zóna. és egy konvekciós.
    Egy vörös törpénél a konvekciós zóna leér a magig. Ez azt eredményezi, hogy a felszínére kerülhet egy nagyon forró áramlás, ami nem egy szimpla kitöréssel egyenlő, hanem extrém hőenergia kisugárzást, mintha a Nap hirtelen százszorosára emelné a teljesítményt.
  • Irasidus
    Ehhez minimum 300 gauss erősségű mágneses mező kellene. Erre egyetlen bolygó sem képes, ráadásul a Jupiter mágneses tere szabálytalan, negatív tartományban is eshet, és maximálisan kb. olyan 20 gauss erősségű lehet. A Földé 0,3-1 gauss között.