Crossroads Inn - Kocsma szimulátor
  • Giovanni #1
    A Crossroads Inn egy menedzselős játék lesz, amiben nincs más dolgunk, mint egy útszéli ivót üzemeltetni. Egyszerű, nem? Na, jó, azért annyira nem, hiszen nehéz a csapos élete, ha a földet túró paraszttól a király tanácsadójáig mindenki hozzá jár, vagy ha a helyi nemes úr nála akarja a lánya esküvőjét megrendezni.

    Crossroads Inn

    Utoljára szerkesztette: Giovanni, 2019.11.09. 10:12:13
  • b-type
    Vannak még vele bajok, de el lehet vele lenni...a ribik tánca ööö hogy...elég őszinte :D
    indulásra jó recept nincs mert folyamatosan változik a játék az érkező javításokkal. De van pár bank...és felveszel 20ezret, van 20 napod hogy törleszd...fizesd be a kamatot a 20 nap alatt, majd másik bankból felveszel megint 20ezret, azzal kicsengeted az elöző bankot...stb. Így a 20 napos időtartam alatt mindig csak 2ezret fizetsz.
    Aztán mikor már jól állsz kicsengeted és kész. Mindez csak akkor ér valamit ha jól válogatod meg hogy mire költöd. Kell stabil vevőkör, alvóhely. ..érdemes kezdésnek nem sandbox-ban indítani, mert megveszel esetleg olyat is ami még nem fog működni.
  • Giovanni #3
    Igen, érdemes a kampánnyal kezdeni, mert ott végig vezet a tutoriálon.
    Nálam a kezdeti időkben még előfordultak random kifagyások, de a 2.0.2-es javítás után ezek a problémák megszűntek. Amúgy már kijött a 2.0.4 is :)
  • Giovanni #4

  • Giovanni #5
    Patch 2.0.8! Scenarios are live!

    After a short break we are back with new update. We added more objects help you gain influence in all factions and a roof! What's more, we added 4 new scenarios that was created in our in-game editor!

    New content:

    Roofs have been added to the game. To create and view the roof, enter the “roof” submenu in Build Menu and select the desired pattern. The roofs are created automatically over your tavern.
    Added more faction-themed objects in Act 3
    Added more random quests in Act 2
    Added 4 new scenarios to the game (available from the Main Menu; all in an early access form):

    Trovin’s Tower: 12-storey skyscraper tavern with Trovin as the innkeeper
    Rockburry’s Revenge: a large homestead that belongs to Rockburry and is under a constant harassment by the Aviary
    Countess’ Counts: a brothel run by the Countess with almost all of the workers naked
    Lady Commander’s Last Command: Lady Commander is trying to survive under constant attacks of the Untermarchian soldiers


    Objectives will no longer disappear after loading the game
    It’s possible to change the name of the main character and the inn in the Journal
    Object sounds should no longer remain after deleting them
    Dugout can once again be unlocked in the Campaign mode
    Fixed multiple cases that caused workers to be running in the tavern instead of walking
    Building higher floors will no longer be obstructed by small items and other obstacles
    Guests and workers can once again play darts
    Fixed the issue which caused recipes in the inn menu not to unlock properly if their ingredients were awarded by events or quests
    Passed out/killed guests will no longer play the animation of getting up immediately after falling
    Bought resources on the pallet will not get stuck in the wall if they overflow the pallet
    The chance of a quest completion can now be revealed using gossips
    Fixed a number of issues that could result in the game crashing to desktop or prevented player’s progress in the Campaign


    Adjusted the amount of the favour of the social groups when they visit the tavern with menu/decorations appealing to their taste
    An adventurer’s chest is now available in Sandbox mode from the start

    Patch 2.0.8! Scenarios are live!
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Giovanni, 2019.11.23. 11:28:25
  • Giovanni #6

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!
    During last weeks, our team focused on rebalance of the social groups and their preferences, which was the thing that we were thinking of almost since the release of the game.

    What's more, we made adjustments to Shifts. Your workers will now follow them correctly!

    New Features:
    - We have rebalanced social groups and their preferences, as follows:
    Townsfolk - they hate foreign country decor, but love their own country decor, for all rooms.
    Nobles - they don't trust low prices, but they don't mind high prices.
    Travelers - they want to rent Guest Rooms more often. They will be very disappointed if the tavern does not have a Guest Room.
    Outlaws - they don't care if the tavern is clean or not, they just want low prices and drinks. This social group is the most likely to steal, smoke pipes and cause fights.
    Distressed - they don't feel good in fancy rooms.

    Following these guidelines should help with quests that require a certain amount of influence for a faction.
    - You can now permit or disable access to rooms for each worker separately on the Room Info screen. This only works for tasks: don't be surprised if your servant enters a room to chat or get some Gossips!

    - Outline option will no longer reset after loading a save.
    - Cost reduction upgrades will now correctly display the current price.
    - Interaction with destroyed objects will no longer be disabled after loading a game. They can now be repaired or sold without issues.

    - Made adjustments to Shifts; workers will now follow them correctly.
    - Workers now require less space to perform their cleaning duties in a small room; however, note that it is still possible to make the room too small and cramped for cleaning.
    - Updates to Dogs AI - they will now scare off pests more efficiently.

    - Greatly reduced the amount of Fame needed before guests start using Guest Rooms.
    - Fixed an issue that could block Adventurer's quests if the game is saved and loaded during the Adventurer's transition to the Map.
    - Goods will now be placed correctly on Pallete's current position, instead of its previous location.
    - "Rug" item will now correctly display its texture.
    - A perk responsible for reducing Gossip cost of Trade Routes will now work correctly.
    - A perk responsible for unlocking more land will now work correctly.
    - Fixed some stability issues thanks to crashing saved games provided by the community.

    Utoljára szerkesztette: Giovanni, 2020.02.22. 17:00:36