• Agamemnon
    Nyáron érkezik a Horizon

    Az Iceberg Interactive bejelentette, hogy megállapodásra jutottak a torontói illetőségű L3O Interactive-val, a csapat készülő körökre osztott űrstratégiai játékának kiadásáról. A Horizon című alkotásban az emberiség eljutott arra a technológiai fejlettségi szintre, hogy megkísérelheti felfedezni a távoli világűrt. Hamar kiderül, hogy nem vagyunk egyedül, kalandjaink során 10 különféle civilizációval ismerkedhetünk meg, amelyek mind saját történelemmel, kultúrával és szokásokkal rendelkeznek, ennek fényében nem mindenki fogad majd minket békével.
    \"A teljesen interaktív világegyetemben szabadon barangolhatunk a csillagok és bolygók között. Birodalmunk határain járőrözve bármikor ellenségbe botolhatunk, ilyenkor taktikai nézetbe váltva küzdhet meg hajó a hajó ellen. Új kolóniákat alapítva azok egy idő után a galaxis kereskedelmi-, ipari-, vagy épp tudományos központjává válnak. De katonai bázisokat és űrkikötőket is emelnünk kell, hogy felépíthessük galaktikus flottánkat\" - olvasható a fejlesztők leírása a játékról.
    Már elérhető a Horizon hivatalos oldala is, ahol részletesen olvashattok a civilizációkról, az űrhajókról és a galaxisokról. Bár pontos megjelenési dátummal egyelőre nem rendelkezik a játék, de annyi bizonyos, hogy még idén nyáron megjelenik.

    Forrás: PlayDome

    Hivatalos honlap: http://www.horizongame.com/
  • Agamemnon

    What kind of game is Horizon?

    Horizon is a 4x turn-based space strategy game set in the not-too-distant future, where humanity has just begun exploring the edge of our solar system.

    As humanity comes into contact with other life forms and civilizations, decisions will have to be made that will affect the rise and future of humanity.

    The player will manage first-contact situations, exploration missions, establishing new outposts, technological advancement, trade, diplomacy, and the use of military force among other things.

    What are some of the features that make Horizon special?

    Total open space: Ships can travel anywhere between stars and inside solar systems, creating a more realistic and persistent galaxy.
    Full tactical combat: Across the galaxy, epic battles are possible between all races at the same time. Reinforcements can arrive while battles are ongoing, with no artificial limits on how long battles can last.
    In depth ship design: Allows you to choose weapons, emplacements, and specials on different hull sizes.
    Unique races: Technologies, weapons, and ships are based on each race’s culture and civilization.
    Smarter diplomacy: Coordinated actions between races raises the bar on possible outcomes and strategies.
    A more 'Intelligent' AI: Does not cheat and adjusts to the player actions as the game develops.

    What inspired the design of Horizon?

    Many sci-fi shows and games have inspired the making of Horizon. To name a few: Babylon 5, Star Trek DS9 along with Star Control 2 and Master of Orion 1 and 2 had the greatest impact on us to make an epic sci-fi game that could re-create some of the best moments from these productions.

    When will the game be released?

    As soon as we know for certain, we will happily announce it. Our desire to release a game of quality is paramount and we are commited to releasing a product we and you will be proud of.

    Will Horizon have a multiplayer mode?

    Due to design choices favoring a single player experience, it would not have been possible to make a multiplayer mode without putting severe limits on many features such as advanced tactical combat and ancient powerful alien races.

    We believe Horizon players will really appreciate the depth of the single-player game experience and understand the compromises.

    What are the hardware requirements?

    A PC system purchased in the past 3-5 years that is capable of adequately running Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7.

    A discrete video card with at least DirectX 9.0 support is required. Integrated graphics (such as Intel HD series) will not be officially supported and we do not recommend them at this time.

    Will the game be available to be purchased online?

    Yes. We plan to have it available through major online distributors.
  • Agamemnon
    Félek ebben sem lesz champaign jellegű dolog, de legalább ez ígéretesnek hangzik:
    "A more 'Intelligent' AI: Does not cheat and adjusts to the player actions as the game develops."
  • Cobra.
    Képek alapján egész tűrhetően néz ki, majd meglátjuk mi lesz belőle.
  • Bullitt
    Mintha erről már hallottam volna pár éve... vagy csak a memóriám szórakozik velem.
    Mindenesetre must have, eléggé hanyagolják újabban az űrstratégiákat a kiadók. Legutóbbi valamennyire értelmes, amivel játszottam az az Endless Space volt.
  • Sunsetjoy
    Csak nehogy ebből is Legends of Pegasus legyen. Ott a kezdeti hírek és a megjelenés között nem volt olyan sok idő. De a megjelenés és a kaotikus bukás között nagyon kevés idő volt...
  • Agamemnon
    Hát igen, én is ettől tartok, hogy ez is ilyen alacsony költségvetésű bukta játék lesz, de azért egy esélyt adok neki, illetve a hasonló topikokba azért is hirdettem meg, hogy más is próbálja ki, aztán majd meglátjuk mi lesz...
  • nyirog
    Ez érdekesnek tűnik :) csak nehogy ez is a tavalyi legends of pegasus sorsára jusson
  • Agamemnon
    Mivel mindenki ilyen bizakodó, már én sem élem bele magam, hogy valami annyira jó játék lesz... megjelenik, aztán kipróbáljuk, max egyből letörlöm :)
  • nyirog
    eleve a tény az h 4x-et nehéz élvezhetőre megcsinálni, L. pegasus is ott csúszott el h nagyon sok ökörésg került bele, ami logikátlanná tette, amellett h már eleve is sok bug meg szarság volt benne. Swords of the starsban is ha megnézed elég sok hiba van, vagy inkább volt, karácsony óta nem játszottam vele, de ott is a valós és a körökre osztott játék összemosása azért hagyott számomra kívánni valót maga után, de ennél még midnig jobban átgondolt volt mint a pegasusnál. Egyszer biztos fogunk jó űrstratégiát kapni, de nem hiszem h ilyen no name stúdiótól akik még semmit nem tettek le az asztalra, minden esetre valahol kezdenie kell mindenkinek ezért áldásom rájuk és bizakodok én is :).
  • Agamemnon
    Iceberg to publish 4x Strategy Game ‘Horizon’


  • Agamemnon
    Horizon Interview

    Before StarDrive even got out the door, Iceberg announced that they had signed on another 4X strategy game to beef up their roster. Horizon is the debut game of a brand-new team, and already it’s showing some promise. We’ve been burned before though, so we’re definitely adopting a ‘wait and see’ attitude. In the meantime, we spoke to the head honcho at the studio – Raffi Parsekhian, to find out more about what Horizon has to offer:

    Strategy Informer: Before we talk about Horizon, can you give us a brief background of your company? Where you guys have come from etc...?

    Raffi Parsekhian: So L3O was founded about 2 ½ years ago, but we’ve been working on Horizon longer than that. My background personally was: I worked in technology consulting, software development, that sort of thing... for quite a few years, before getting into videogame development. I’ve been a big gamer for as long as I can remember though. I’ve always wanted to make games; it’s always been in the back of my mind. I finally started getting serious about it in college.

    In the early part of the development for Horizon we had a couple of people. It was very ‘indie’ – so proper ‘in your basement’ kind of thing, and we had one artist, and he basically was a conceptual artist, and we also had a guy who worked in broadcasting, he did 3D stuff and video editing and some stuff like that.

    Strategy Informer: Why did you want to make a space 4x strategy game, specifically?

    Raffi Parsekhian: I always wanted to make a game like Master of Orion – it was a big inspiration for me. Along with some of the shows that used to be around at that time for me – Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine etc... I always thought that I could try to do better than Master of Orion did in terms of combat- I always liked the combat in Master of Orion and in 4X games in general, so I wanted to do tactical combat like that. I wanted to do something like that but make it more immersive, more connected to the rest of the game. In MoO you had instanced combat, and I wanted to get rid of that and make it more part of the galaxy, combat can happen anytime, anywhere etc... over multiple turns too, so kind of like RTS, but obviously turn-based.

    Strategy Informer: There’s been a lot more space 4x games in the past year or two than I think I’ve ever seen – do you think the genre is making a come-back?

    Raffi Parsekhian: So when we started Horizon, there weren’t that many games. We were making the game we’d want to play ourselves, and we thought there would be a lot of people interested in it, since it’s such a hardcore, niche genre. But all of a sudden in the last few years, the tools got easier, so a lot more people were attempting to make 4X games. Which is great – I’m a big fan of the genre so I’m always interested in seeing what other people come up. Still, we feel there’s still something missing, that one game that has really good tactical combat. Most games seem to just do cinematic combat, or something else, but not really proper tactical combat. We still feel Horizon can contribute here.

    The other thing we liked was having a story based game. Having a Galaxy that connects with the player a bit more, feeling more alive. I was a big fan of Star Control, for example, and even though that’s an RPG I wanted to take some elements from that. So players can do some missions, but they’re very open missions. You don’t have to do them, if you just want to do full sandbox you can, but if you want to go on these quests you can interact more with the other races, find out what they care about etc... and it really gets you more involved in the game.

    Strategy Informer: Has your vision changed much over time? Have you radically changed your design in response to all these new games, or new technology etc... ?

    Raffi Parsekhian: We’ve mostly stuck to our original vision, but the main thing is that in the last few years the quality of the games really has... before they were more spread-sheet like, almost, but in the last few years the quality and the graphics have improved, and gamers expect a lot more than they used to. It used to be all about the gameplay, but now it’s also about the interface and how it doesn’t interfere with gameplay, how everything looks, how it all meshes together etc... we have put a lot of energy in to that.

    One of our design goals was also to make the game very accessible for players to get into. Even if someone is not a 4X gamer, they should find it pretty simple to jump into. So yeah, I’d say it’s had some effect, but the core design hasn’t changed.

    Strategy Informer: Tell us a bit about some of the design choices you made for Horizon – we understand you only get to play as the Humans initially?

    Raffi Parsekhian: That’s right. We’ve focused on the human’s initially. We will probably... maybe as an add-on, we could probably allow the player to choose the other races. You start with the humans, because the story is based on the humans, and Horizon is about Humans conquering space. The story itself has real-life events in it, like the NASA-2 Probe. The story starts there, and something happens, which then kicks everything off, and you’re in charge in the human effort of becoming a space-faring race. And from there you meet the other races etc...

    Part of the design with Horizon is that we wanted to introduce races of different ‘levels’, unlike other 4X games everyone starts on the same level and expands, but we wanted to make the Galaxy feel more ‘realistic’, like you would have some races that are far more advanced than you, who’ve been exploring the galaxy for much longer. With the story-based game, we wanted to allow you to opt to play that way – so you meet these races who are very powerful, so you have to be careful with how you interact with them, and there’s more strategy involved in how you make yourself relevant in the early stages of the game. You’ll want to use more diplomacy etc… because you’re a bug, they can crush you if they want. But this is optional, you can always choose to play so that everyone is on an equal footing, and the other races will still have their unique features, abilities etc...

    Strategy Informer: Where do you stand on the graphics vs gameplay ‘debate’? Some games have gone for visual style, some for pure depth... many others are trying to do a bit of both? Where does Horizon fit?

    Raffi Parsekhian: Because this is a project that has gone on for a long time, we’ve always thought that if we could just get the gameplay right, we can always improve the graphics [later]. And that’s been the case here – over time we’ve had to improve the graphics a couple of times.

    We haven’t gone into the 3D realm – it’s a 2D game in the same sense StarDrive is, but we do have... the combat is a 3D ‘perspective’, but it’s still 2D – so it’s not a top-down view, more of a profile view. From the start it’s been like that, but it’s not a Homeworld type game or anything.

    Strategy Informer: What do you think makes up a space 4x game? What are the key tenants you subscribe too?

    Raffi Parsekhian: I think there are two [main] types of 4X games – there’s the Civilization games, which are more strategy than tactical, and the Master of Orion games, which focus more on the tactics. So looking at it from a Sci-fi game, I think having a tactical combat – either turn based or real-time, is very important. Ship design obviously, because players want to try out different technologies that they discover, so you want to have technology that matters to the player, they’re not just stats. I think the story and lore of the galaxy is important, it helps bring out more of an immersive game. In other genres I think it’s become more about the story, so the 4x genre has kind of lagged behind a bit here, but I think it’s starting to happen more now. AI is obviously important too – players want to feel like that it is making decisions that make sense, and that it’s reacting to what you do, but it’s also hard to get it right.

    Strategy Informer: As we mentioned before, there’s been a few 4X games recently. Some, like Sword of the Stars II and Legends of Pegasus, possibly tried to do too much all at once, and so failed in their own special ways. Endless Space tried to experiment with different ways of dealing with the combat engine, and some liked it some didn’t... do you think your focus on the one race, initially, means that your game will ultimately be better?

    Raffi Parsekhian: I think 4X inherently are, I don’t want to say ‘difficult’, but there are a lot of pieces to a 4X game that you have to balance, and it can be hard for an indie team especially. You need to give the player the full experience from all the angles, because they ALL matter. Different teams will naturally focus on different parts though, and I don’t necessarily think there’s a right or wrong way, it’s just different experiences. But personally I want a game with tactical combat, that’s why I’m making Horizon. I have a lot of respect for previous teams who have made these games, because I know how hard it is to want to put all this different stuff in, but I know you can’t. You have to pick your battles.

    Strategy Informer: Now that you’ve signed on with Iceberg, do you think development of the game will accelerate? Do you have a release window in mind?

    Raffi Parsekhian: With Iceberg, we think that with their help we can get it out sooner and with a higher quality – that’s why we went with them. We don’t have a release date, but we’re hoping to have it ready by the end of the summer, that’s the goal. But we only want to release it when we feel it’s ready. We’re also working with Iceberg to see if we can get our community to play the game early. We think this would be great.

    Thanks to Raffi for taking some time out to talk about their new game. As we’ve mentioned, there’s been quite a few space 4X games out in the past year or two, some of which promised much and delivered little, others which tried to genuinely experiment, with mixed results. On paper, Horizon sounds as good as all the others did pre-release, but perhaps their focus on the human race initially, and their flexible thinking in terms of designing the universe, may mean they come up with a winning strategy. We’ll try and get our hands on some playable code as soon as possible.

  • Agamemnon
    Hello everyone,

    We are excited to share with you that Horizon is going to be available on Steam's Early Access Games starting in approximately 2 weeks!

    If you are not already familiar, this is a recent program on Steam that allows those interested to get early access to certain games while still in development.

    By purchasing the game earlier you gain immediate access to download and play the game in it's current form and as it evolves up and through 'release'. In addition you aid us by supporting the game development and receive the game at a lower price point than the final price will be at launch.

    Horizon is currently in an advanced stage with many of it's features working but not yet fully complete. This means there will be plenty of opportunity to contribute with your feedback and help us shape the final game before it is released. Something we really wanted to do and are happy to have been able to work it out with Iceberg and Valve.
  • mnorbi2
    én megveszem kedden , utánna mondom hogy milyen majd nektek, keddtöl lehet megvenni az early accest amivel részt vehetsz a betába.
  • nyirog
    vidót nem tudnál majd róla készíteni esetleg és feltenni valahova? :) frapssal youtubra vagy ilyesmi
  • nyirog
    amúgy ez az early acces divatos lett most az ilyen kisebb indie fejlszetőknél, planetary annihilation is alpha-hoz enged bejutást, csak hát 40-től 90 euróig sokkalom a különböző csomagok árazását egy alfához :D
  • Renegade
    ez bizakodásra ad okot:

    spacesector preview
  • Renegade
    Na mi van srácok senki sem alfázik? Tegnap is kijött egy új alpha patch.
  • Renegade
    Horizon Wiki
  • Agamemnon
    Megjelenési dátummal Ti sem futottatok össze?
  • Renegade
    sajna eltolták, nyár vége lett volna, de pl szept végére jön a köv nagy alfapatch, szóval nagy jóindulattal karácsony, szvsz :(
  • Renegade
    a Horizon közben huncut módon béta lett, a Spacesectorosok még ki is sorsolnak 5 kulcsot :)
  • nyirog
    jelentkeztem is hátha bekerülök :)
  • nyirog
    na kapott valaki béta kulcsot? elvileg ma sorsolják
  • nyirog
    béta nem szivárgott ki esetleg a netre?
  • Agamemnon
    Én nem kerestem, hogy őszinte legyek :) De ha valaki belefut, linkelje nyugodtan.
  • Agamemnon
    Na szép, az összes hír, hogy egy erősebb szerverre került a honlapjuk...
  • Agamemnon
    Horizon-FLT - WTF?
  • Agamemnon
    02.06.2014 - Horizon has been released!
  • warcat
    Korrekt polírt kapott a végére,de az early access tapasztalatokkal még mindig seperc alatt át tudom vágni a rendszert és úszok a pénzben,onnantól kezdve meg megveszel mindent.
    Azért jó kis játék,van benne a még egy kört érzésből,de nem váltja meg a világot.
  • Agamemnon
    Még nem jutottam el addig, hogy kipróbáljam, de azért leírhatod, hogy miként vágod át a rendszert :) még jól jöhet egyszer...
  • lammaer
    De mindenképpen spoilerbe plíz... :)
  • warcat
    Konkrétum nélkül: brutális jövedelemre lehet szert tenni a kereskedelem+turizmusból.Bár belenyirbáltak,még mindig nagyon sok,egy bizonyos rendszertípus még rásegít ha van.

    Ennek meg az a vége,hogy instant kifizeted a gyártást(űrállomástól kezdve az überbrutál csillagrombolóig)így az iparnak nem sok szerepe marad.
    Fejleszgetsz,aztán 2-3 kör alatt veszel egy flottát és kinyírsz mindent.
  • Ninju
    Elsőre nagyon tetszik. Mondjuk egy picit zavar, h nehezen kapja meg az ember a felfedezéseket. Bár lehet, h csak én nem fókuszáltam eléggé a kutatásra. Mondjuk jó szar helyre spawnoltam. Be voltam szorítva a sarokba teljesen és nem tudtam terneszkedni.
    Tetszenek a "küldetések". Nagyon sok színt visz a játékba.
  • Agamemnon
    A terraformálást felfedezte már valaki?
  • Ninju
    Én megkaptam egy másik fajtól. Ha van kolóniád a bolygón az ecology opciók között lesz a terraformálás. Még a Toxic-ból is lehet terrant csinálni, csak ott előtte takarítani kell picit.
  • Lysandus
    Basszus a Vaianok vagy kik lerohanták az egyik bolygómat. Végül lebombáztak mindent, viszont az űrállomással nem bírnak. Így minden fordulóváltásnál azon kell malmozzak, amíg 20 fordulón keresztül lövik. Az állomáson már minden fegyvert szétlőttek, de a pajzsok, páncélok még majdnem fullon vannak, pedig már vagy 20 fordulón keresztül folyamatosan lövik. Ha minden így megy tovább még kb. ezer forduló míg leszedik. Tulajdonképpen jó, mert leköti őket, csak nekem unalmas állandóan ezt minden turn végén végignézni... MOO2-ben volt önmegsemmisítés gomb. Itt vajon van?
  • Ninju
    Nincs, de nyomhatsz egy auto-t és ha maxra állítod a sebességet 10 mp alatt vége lesz.
  • Lysandus
    Sebességet hol tudom állítani?
  • Ninju
    Fent az auto gomb mellett a nyilakkal.