Itt lehet beszélgetni a http://www.blogthings.com/quizzes/ -en kapott mindenféle eredményekről
  • j0nNyKa
    Blogthings.com - Quizzes

    Azt hiszem, igaza van az embereknek a Humoros és aranyos képek, videók topicban, oda ez a téma olyan intenzitással, amilyennel most jelen van, nem való.

    Gondoltam nyitok neki egy új topicot.

    És akkor jöjjön is 1-2 személyes eredmény: (egyébként ha jól vettem észre, a sima "nevedből generál valamilyen vicces dolgot" kvízek teljesen randomok, tehát egy refresh-el más eredményt adnak)

    You Are 80% Evil

    You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
    Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

    How Evil Are You?

    Your Irish Name Is...

    Kane Power

    What's your Irish Name?

    Cheese Pizza

    Traditional and comforting.
    You focus on living a quality life.
    You're not easily impressed with novelty.
    Yet, you easily impress others.

    What's Your Pizza Personality?

  • j0nNyKa
    Your Career Type: Investigative

    You are precise, scientific, and intellectual.
    Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems.

    You would make an excellent:

    Architect - Biologist - Chemist
    Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician
    Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist
    Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian

    The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.

    What's Your Ideal Career?

  • PyRex
    Ez mekkora baromság már: ha letöltök egy dalt a netről, akkor "evil" vagyok? Szánalmas. Vagy ha kimondok egy csúnya szót? :)
  • j0nNyKa
    ha csak ennyit csinalsz, nem vagy evil.. :]
    ha mar mast is... na jo, hat ez az egesz baromsag, ez benne a lenyeg :D
  • PyRex
  • F1re
    Your 1920's Name is:

    Cleve Wylie

    What's Your 1920's Name?

    Your Penis Name Is...


    Penis Name Generator

    Your Superhero Profile

    Your Superhero Name is The Night Comet
    Your Superpower is Metahuman
    Your Weakness is Reruns of the Cosby Show
    Your Weapon is Your Rusty Darts
    Your Mode of Transportation is Space Shuttle

    What's your Superhero Name?

  • ERykk
    A nevekkel az a baj, hogy mindig ujat generál:(
  • TommyC
    nem annyira!
  • TommyC
    "You Should Be A Capricorn

    What's good about you: hard working and ambitious, you're practically a guaranteed success
    What's bad about you: you can be unforgiving toward people who fail you
    In love: you're very picky, but extremely devoted to the one you choose
    In friendship, you're: likely to be a good friend but expect a lot in return
    Your ideal job: rock climber, sculptor, or practitioner of black magic
    Your sense of fashion: preppy and put together
    You like to pig out on: meat and potatoes"

    Csillagjegy: Bak

  • TommyC
    de tegnap este és ma reggel szinte az összes quozt megcsináltam :S
    nekem nagyon teccet, és mindig olyan válaszokat kaptam, melyeket reméltem.és gondoltam h kapni fogok..szal sztem nem annyira hülyeség.
    de yo hogy nyitottatok neki topigot, mert én nyitottam volna :P...csak nem jutott időbe eszembe...
  • ngcsnet
    "You've called someone the "c" word"

    C betűs szó? az micsoda..?
  • ngcsnet
    10% evil lennék?:)
  • magus

    Your Inner European is Italian!

    Passionate and colorful.
    You show the world what culture really is.

    Who's Your Inner European?

  • tigeroo
    nyomj pár F5-öt és megtudod hogy milyen vagyok...
  • TommyC
    a régi fajta quizek annyira gagyik :S
  • TommyC
  • CrucifX
    cunt :)
  • Coco
    cunt? :P
  • Coco
    uhm.. nem frissítettem :)
    bitch <- LOL
  • McGrady
    én 6% vok :)
  • TommyC
    én nyolcvan valami :S
    váá én csak 54% de én még kezdő vagyok LOL:)
  • Kanál
    en 46... kicsit tobbre szamitottam :o
    18-25 között:D
  • haxoror
  • haxoror
    You Are Not Scary

    Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?

    How Scary Are You?

  • David2
    Your Inner European is Irish!

    Sprited and boisterous!
    You drink everyone under the table.
  • haxoror
    Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

    "Look ma! No hands!"

    What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?

  • Tojesz
    Your Penis Name Is...

    Darth Vader

    Penis Name Generator

  • DJ Skyline
    lol,beírom a nevem,aztán kiadja az eredményt,majd vissza,majd megint submit,és kiad egy új nevet...elég tré így
  • Sanyix
    You Are 36% Evil

    A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
    In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

    Csak 36%? többet gondoltam :DD
  • jazzy
    Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

    "I dunno, press the button and find out."

    What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?

  • Khamwasss
    ez k.vajó imádom az ilyet -;)
  • Encore
    Your 1920s name is: Dante Weston

    You are 16% Evil: You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm. Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want.

    Your Inner European is Italian. You show the world what culture really is.

    Your Irish name is: Aidan Kennedy

    Your career type: Artistic. You are expressive, original and independent. Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music or art. You would make an excellent: Actor,Art teacher,Book editor,Clother desinger,Comedian, Composer,Dancer,DJ,Graphic desinger,Illustrator,Musician, Sculptor. The worst career options for you are conventional careers like bank teller or secretary.

    Your famous last words will be: "I dunno, press the button and find out."

    Your penis name is: Ivan the terrible.

    Pesto Pizza: Adventurous and hedonistic. You live for new experiences and tastes. And you are not the type to have your pizza the same way twice. If they can put it on pizza, you're up for trying it!

    Your superhero profile:
    Your superhero name is The magnetic Zero. Your superpower is solar. Your weakness is puppets. Your weapon is your particle rocket. Your mode of transportation is phone booth.
  • reménytelen
    Your Pimp Name Is...

    White Chocolate Kisses

    What's Your Pimp Name?

  • Khamwasss
    You Are 64% Open Minded

    You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
    Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
    But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
    You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.

    How Open Minded Are You?

  • abonyitomz
    értelmes ám...
  • skristof
    Your Penis Name Is...

    El Presidente

    Penis Name Generator

  • skristof
    Your 1920's Name is:

    Bailey Manley

    What's Your 1920's Name?