WARNO - hidegháborús RTS (Wargame széria utódja)
  • militavia
    AG update
  • militavia
  • militavia
    Angolul bullet pontokban a legfontosabb újítások.

    * Line of sight tool
    * Destroyable buildings
    * Automatic counter artillery
    * Fire at Will Order - Artillery pick their own targets and fire
    * Sellable transports
    * Towed units
    * Grouped units can hold the same speed.
    * Displayed movement path for the units
    * Commander units boost the veterancy of nearby units
    * Ability to give orders to all units BEFORE pressing launch. Including telling units where to unload.
    * Ability to give units being brought on as the game plays to go to somewhere and unload or any other order before they even come on!
    * Quick Hunt Order - units move via roads but stop and fire if they encounter the enemy
    * Displays what troops are inside a transport vehicle. So when you unload them you know what you are unloading.
    * A strategic campaign that follows the SD2 model, in other words it will be super detailed compared to red dragons campaign.
    * Tanks smoke, pop smoke, grenade command (well smoke shell)
    * Aircraft now have a travel time delay to the battlefield preventing insta aircraft spam. You must now anticipate needs or wait for air support.
    * Forward recon, some units can be deployed farther from the entering zones.
    * SMART orders seize and hold position made it in which give the AI authority to move about and do things in response to the enemy.
    * The ability to customize one, many or global unit behavior based on whether you would like them to take cover or not, fire on unarmed vehicles wasting missiles or not, take short or fast routes, out or range reactions (which I just realized has a use smoke behavior)
    * Cohesion instead of the old stress mechanic.
    * Command vehicles now have the ability to capture while moving and hold points even while moving.
    * Initial deployment area no longer needs a command vehicle
    * You can sell empty unarmed transports for money or keep them to transport your men again. This was done to mitigate people using them as scouts. Although I believe they are probably almost blind in game, they still soak up missiles if the enemy player does not have the correct rules set.
  • militavia
    Az EUGEN fejlesztése, a Wargame széria utódja. Jelenleg még béta állapotban van, de szépen adogatják hozzá a tartalmat.

    A játék mondhatni a WG és a Steel Division 2 szerelemgyereke. Azt nem lehet mondani, hogy mindkettőtől csak a legjobbat örökölte, de igen sok jót egészen biztosan.

    Pl. ezt. A StDv2 szerű hadjáratot, amit full MP-ben egymás ellen is lehet majd tolni, ahogy WG:ALB-nél.


    Számtalan, a WG:RD-ből hiányzó újdonsággal bír a WARNO. Ezek egy része közvetlen játékmenetbeli, egy része jobb kezelhetőség. Kezdve a harckocsik füstgránátjaitól, a LOS toolig, egészen az automata tüzérségi counterabattery és más funkcióig. Rombolható épületek, stb. az újítások listája elég szép.